High School Student Mariam Elsharkawy
Mariam Elsharkawy
High School Student
• Favorite Quote or Motto: "The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails." - William Arthur Ward
• Work Experience:  High School Student 
• Find me on:  LinkedIn

My Story

External Video

Our education collaborators are working on programs to implement the app in STEM classrooms and clubs for kids and teens nationally and around the world to learn about how engineering shapes our every day lives. Kids and teens in these programs will be invited to connect with engineers through the app so they can meet and interact with professionals in their fields of interest. Please contact us to learn more about the program and how you can participate.

Technical and Software Expertise

Proficient in Python and Java

I am...

a rising high school junior and I am currently embarked on my quest for knowledge and on a continuous drive to contribute new discoveries to aid my community and humanity as a whole.

I chose to be a High School Student because...

I would love to lead new discoveries in biology and chemistry that can improve humanity and the environment, which is currently plagued by climate change. I hope that by being a high school student passionate in the pharmaceutical and environmental industries, I can change the world for the better.

I like my job because...

it allows me to create visible changes in my environment that can actively help humanity through research into chemistry, physics, and the pharmaceutical industry. It also enables me to cultivate my mind and constantly grow as an individual on my quest for knowledge.

My typical day at work involves...

I typically attend all of my seven classes and attempt to complete my assigned work in class. Then, I complete any remaining homework when I return home. Throughout the day, I eat, study, and socialize with both my friends and any acquaintances in order to develop essential connections that may benefit me in the future.

I want others to know...

Although life may sometimes seem difficult and it may seem pointless to continue persevering when you continuously face many obstacles, you should never stop trying to improve your life. Having felt passionless and devoid of a purpose for a period of my life, I feel eternally grateful for my struggles and perseverance as I would have been unable to truly appreciate my accomplishments without having faced the challenges that were thrown at me.

My STEM education has helped me ...

My STEM education has aided me in developing a problem-solving attitude when faced with an issue. It has also enabled me to delve into my curiosities by utilizing my studies in computer science, biology, and chemistry to better understand how the world works and how we can improve humanity as well as the environment.

My experience working in teams

Whenever collaborating in a group project in school, I have developed an essential skill of acting as a mediator and leader when working in teams. In order to effectively reach our superordinate goal, I aim to identify the strengths of each team member then maximize their potential by assigning them to a position that best reflects their strengths. I also ensure that the group environment is comfortable by striving to display an unconditional positive regard for my team members, which I was able to utilize from my AP Psychology course. I have found that working in teams is an effective method of reaching new discoveries in the STEM field that may benefit everyone involved.

This is My Story

Ever since I was a young child, I always dreamed of growing up and making a difference in the world. My passions have always been spread out across various disciplines, such as writing, math, computer science, chemistry, biology, international and cultural studies, and psychology, which made me feel purposeless and conflicted when thinking about what career I wished to spend my life working on. However, after delving into the fields of chemistry and biology, I felt a new sense of purpose when considering how I could utilize my strengths in such subjects to conduct medical research. I also now realize that having many interests does not have to be perceived as an issue as it allows me to interact with all of my passions and create all-encompassing solutions to the issues that plague humanity.

Hobbies and interests

ReadingArabicPhotographyKickboxingTrackHikingClimate Change Activism

What classes have you used most?

Throughout my high school experience, I have utilized AP Seminar the most as it allowed me to think critically and evaluate the source of any information I encounter for any biases. By being able to thoroughly examine information, I am able to think more realistically about the world and endeavor to consider all stakeholders of an issue when creating a solution.
In addition, I have also found AP Psychology to be very useful as it allowed me to explore my passion about how the human mind functions. The study of psychology allowed me to develop a new sense of understanding and empathy towards others' as I gained a new insight into the cause of their behaviors and prejudices.

What skills have been most important to your career?

In being a high school student, I have found that a strong work ethic and the skill of adapting to new circumstances have been highly important in being successful.
By having a strong work ethic, a high school student is able to thoroughly explore their passions by being eager to attend challenging classes that may have been difficult had the student not been determined and dedicated to succeed.
Additionally, with the circumstances caused by the pandemic and online schooling, in order to ensure the quality of their education has not lessened, a high school student must be open to adapting easily to different learning environments in order to be successful.

Examples of Projects I've Worked On

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