Our education collaborators are working on programs to implement the app in STEM classrooms and clubs for kids and teens nationally and around the world to learn about how engineering shapes our every day lives. Kids and teens in these programs will be invited to connect with engineers through the app so they can meet and interact with professionals in their fields of interest. Please contact us to learn more about the program and how you can participate.
Technical and Software Expertise
The closest thing I have to technical expertise is the work I have done in my school's analytical chemistry research lab.
I am...
I am a student at Oberlin College, with a couple of hobbies and a passion for chemistry.
I chose to be a Chemist because...
My passion for chemistry is rooted in a love of learning and problem-solving. My first general chemistry course gave me the opportunity to fully understand and take in information in a way I had never experienced.
I like my job because...
Research is incredibly rewarding, and the sense of discovery that it provides enthralling. It allows me to constantly learn new things and problem solve in ways that are incredibly engaging and interesting. Regardless of good or bad data, research is a pathway to new information and gives you the ability to move forward in a way that is exciting and extremely personal.
My typical day at work involves...
Being a student, most of my time revolves around attending classes, studying, and working in the lab. Though as a head cook for my dining coop, I spend a considerable amount of time preparing for meals.
I want others to know...
I want others to know that they are not always in front of you, but there are people that will love you and help you grow, you just have to find them.
My STEM education has helped me ...
STEM education has allowed me to find a community of people who love what they do and are excited about science as well as learning
This is My Story
In second grade, when asked to draw myself as an adult, I crafted a frog-like creature holding two neon green test tubes with enormous misshapen hands and resting atop it the word chemist misspelled in big block letters. Flash forward a little more than a decade, and I am studying to be that strange amphibian man. My story consists of a considerable amount of studying as well as goofing off with my friends, and a concerning lack of both sleep and time management skills. I grew up adjacent to San Francisco, California, and currently, go to school at Oberlin College.
Hobbies and interests
What classes have you used most?
Analytical chemistry and Organic chemistry
What skills have been most important to your career?
The skill that I find myself using the most and employ heavily in my work is the ability to listen carefully. More often than not, the people around you have a different way of looking at a problem than you, so setting your thoughts about an issue aside and looking for solutions in a colleague's perspective can be illuminating.
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