Our education collaborators are working on programs to implement the app in STEM classrooms and clubs for kids and teens nationally and around the world to learn about how engineering shapes our every day lives. Kids and teens in these programs will be invited to connect with engineers through the app so they can meet and interact with professionals in their fields of interest. Please contact us to learn more about the program and how you can participate.
I am...
Michael Chenoweth is a climatologist and climate historian specializing in climate reconstruction from documentary materials for the construction of long-time series of various climate parameters. Chenoweth has published 21 articles and 1 book on a variety of historical climate topics including volcanic effects on global temperature, early weather records and data sources for use in climate reconstruction, and tropical cyclones. He put to innovative use the weather records of the 18th century Jamaican slave-owner Thomas Thistlewood and other contemporary documents to reveal insights into the role of science and slavery in the life of Thistlewood. In doing so he revealed aspects of Thistlewood's life and relationship to his society not previously known to scholars. Chenoweth has appeared in two television documentaries on past climate: "Pompeii of the East" as it was titled in the United States television market and "The Year Without a Summer" in Europe and released in 2005. More recently, he appeared in the Nova television program "Killer Hurricanes" that first aired on November 1, 2017. Chenoweth is presently completing his second book "Chasing the Wind: A New History and Chronology of Atlantic Hurricanes and Tropical Storms", which is an encyclopedic-scale history of over 3,200 tropical cyclones recorded from the 1400s to the present.
I chose to be a Climate Historian because...
From my youth I was curious about the weather and then about its history. I was not satisfied with the available information and went searching for more to answer my questions and expand my knowledge of past climate.
I like my job because...
I remain comfortable indoors while reading about the (often extreme) weather outdoors. I have done work no one else has previously attempted with documentary records previously unused.
My experience working in teams
Collaboration with archives and libraries requires advance planning to articulate my research question, the resources needed for my work, my schedule for performing the work, and understanding the personnel and logistical limitations of each institution to manage our expectations for their delivery of materials and my use of them. Collaboration with colleagues on research articles has always been done remotely (even before the pandemic) so frequent communication is required to understand individual contributions to a shared authorship paper, to negotiate the particular roles and skills each author brings to document the research, and determining who the point person will be for sending the paper for editing and review by our chosen journal.
Hobbies and interests
What skills have been most important to your career?
Writing and speaking effectively to communicate the work I have done.
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