Civil Engineer Michelle Grand
Michelle Grand
Civil Engineer
Florida State University - Bachelor's Degree Civil Engineering 2020
• Favorite Quote or Motto: "We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us"
• Work Experience:  College Student: Graduating within 1 year 
• Find me on:  Handshake

My Story

External Video

Our education collaborators are working on programs to implement the app in STEM classrooms and clubs for kids and teens nationally and around the world to learn about how engineering shapes our every day lives. Kids and teens in these programs will be invited to connect with engineers through the app so they can meet and interact with professionals in their fields of interest. Please contact us to learn more about the program and how you can participate.

Technical and Software Expertise

Structural Engineering

I am...

a person that enjoys learning and making connections with people. I like things that stimulate my curiosity and challenge me. But without being all too serious, I love sharing memes, especially if their STEM-related.

I chose to be a Civil Engineer because...

The city I grew up in (Caracas), faced challenges in maintaining and creating new infrastructure. Ever since I was a child, I wanted to be part of that process. In addition, I have a great fascination with architecture.

I like my job because...

I don't have a job just yet. I guess I could consider my research project as a job. I like/enjoy doing research because there is a lot of creative freedom, I'm constantly learning new things and acquiring new skills.

My typical day at work involves...

Creating designs in CAD, simulating, researching documents, discussing ideas with faculty.

I want others to know...

I am from Caracas, Venezuela, and I currently live in Miami. I come from an arts and design background; I graduated from Design and Architecture Senior High in 2015. And my first 2 years of college were focused on architecture. I later transitioned to civil engineering because I saw an opportunity to participate in a wider array of projects and I'm interested in research that focuses on the intersectionality of science, engineering, and design.

My STEM education has helped me ...

It has expended plenty of opportunities for me. I have made a lot of new friends; many of which I have collaborated with to do projects for ASCE. I have networked with working professionals and learned a lot about the industry. I have had the opportunity to hold an internship position and perform research activities. Overall has made a more well-rounded individual.

This is My Story

To briefly summarize the previous question, I am from Venezuela and moved to the states when I was bout 15 years old. Ever since I have made many transitions from different schools and areas of study. In high school, I focused on fine arts, such as painting and graphic design. When I entered college I realized the power design has on changing people's lives and went on to focus on architecture. I studied architecture design at Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design in Milwaukee, WI and Miami Dade College in Miami, FL. Upon the completion of my A.A., I transferred to Florida State University to study civil engineering. Here (FSU), is where most of my opportunities in STEM flourished. I am currently planning to study my Master's degree in structural engineering, and I cannot wait to see what the future will bring.

Hobbies and interests

Readingbikingpaintinglistening to music...

What classes have you used most?

Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, CAD.

What skills have been most important to your career?

Leadership and computational skills, problem-solving, creativity.

Examples of Projects I've Worked On

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